
Greetings from Ohio. As I told you before I am now in Ohio for the month of November. Every thing is going well here. On Saturday evening I met with the Good News Gathering out reach team that is scheduled to go to Haiti the first week in January 2014 to discuss on projects that we’d like them to work on. We had a great time that evening. On Sunday morning I was at Good News Gathering (Hillsboro). In the evening at Seaman Community Methodist Church, in Seaman. I also had the opportunity to spend about 45 minutes with Mom and Dad: The Rev George and Dr. Susan Roads. They are celebrating their 50th anniversary tomorrow Lord willing. What a blessing! Happy 50th anniversary Mom and dad!

This coming Sunday I am going to be in Greenfield IN at Evangel Christian Church. I did not expect to be in Indiana and thus I was stunned when I heard that I will be in Indiana tomorrow Lord willing. Dan and Glenda are going to drive me there. I am sorry I cannot stay any longer after the service. I would love to stay longer in Indiana but I have a speaking engagement in Waynesville, OH on Sunday evening. Somehow this Sunday morning was open in my itinerary and Bob Wakeland made the arrangement for me to come to Indiana to speak at the church. I thank the Rev. Larry Fannin who had accepted to have me come without any plan being made ahead of time. The Evangel Christian Church formerly called the Body of Christ Fellowship has been supporting the work in Lacroix since 1982 after I have been introduced to them by the late David Gillon and Jackie Yates. I feel honored to receive their invitation to come tomorrow Lord willing. When I say I am blessed I am really blessed.

Unfortunately, I could not get hold of any of my friends and supporters in Greenfield to notify them about my whirlwind visit there tomorrow. My original plan is to pay a visit in Indiana next year Lord willing and it is still the plan. This visit as I mentioned was not expected.

Everything is going well in Haiti. Dan Beck and His daughter Heather are headed back to the States today leaving Haiti at 2 o’clock after they had put seven rooms of the new school building in Paul under roof. Doctor Tommy Tigar had joined them last week on this project. He told me that he was not there as a doctor but as a carpenter. Doctor Tommy has sent me some pictures of the roof when he returned last Saturday. I thank the Lord for laying on the heart of Dan and Heather to go to Haiti to put the roof on the school building in Paul where about 800 students are waiting eagerly for this building. Dan and his daughter have raised half of the money for the roof. More money is needed since he only has half of the roof done. And more work is needed to be done such as stucco, flooring and doors etc. Anyway I thank God for making such progress. Dan is planning on going back to Paul to finish the roof after two weeks. They stay in Paul during the week and come down to Lacroix on the weekends. Needless to say they roughed it. and they want to rough it again. Thank God.

Mark Gilbert has been working on building a cistern to catch rain water for the people in Lacoupe and in particular the school since the well is about one and a half mile away from the village. The cistern is built in the ground and on top is the kitchen and the bakery. Mark is quite a man of great vision. I have never seen it like that. I saw the necessity of a new school building because the school has outgrown the present building but Mark and his wife Theresa had seen what I did not see. It is just like my wife and I. We make a good team because she sees what I don’t see and vice-versa.

Mark is one who has used his own money to make things happen in different part of the mission. Him and his wife spent over $60,000.00 this year at the mission. They work on improving the water quality. One of the great accomplishment is the composting toilets in Paul, Perisse, Lacroix schools etc. The pit latrines had polluted our aquifer and thus Mark is busy flushing the wells every so often while he builds sand filter so the school children and workers can get clean water. Though Mark said the sand filter water is not 100% clean at the mission, I drank it and it does not make me sick. Praise the Lord. Mark said it might take a year to get 100% result.

The Composting toilet in Paul was financed by the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, Pa. They also contribute toward the training of the staff who is in charge of the composting toilets. I was amazed when I visited the toilets for the first time. They are nice. There is no smell like you have in a pit latrine. I thank God.

The English school is going well in Lacroix. The staff: Bonnie and Dan Eichler, Paul, Allison are doing a great job. Dan is Bonnie’ son. They are from Bethany Presbysterian Church, Bridegeville, PA. Paul is Dan’s friend. Allison is from Zion United Methodist church in Sarver, PA. They are doing a fantastic job. Bonnie was happy to hear one of her students who met her say, “Bonnie, how are you?” This may not mean much to you but if you have been in Haiti you know how the kids just call you Blanc! Blanc! or White! White! Now they begin to make a difference.

We are now recruiting teachers for next year as we are going to have kindergarten and first grade next year. The teachers that we have now are committed for two months and one year. Someone asked me how about next year? I said I am not going to worry about that because for God it is one day at the time. God will provide for next year.

The plan is to add one grade each year. Please I covet your prayers for God to provide teachers next year. He already knows who he has in mind to send. If he had sent Bonnie and Allison; Dan and Paul this year, who knows what he is going to do next year. We expected one and we got four.

You will be surprised when you go in one year to see the difference in these children.

We thank the Bethany Presbyterian Church for supporting Bonnie and the Zion United Methodist Church for supporting Allison. We are very grateful.

Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support. There is no way I could do it without you. Let’s continue to partner in the ministry.

God bless.
God Prosperpierre