Friends and Faithful Supporters:
Greetings. Everything is going well here. Mark Gilbert and Dave Errett are here for two weeks. Their goal is to visit all the wells within Lacroix and fix what need to be fixed and also to make all the wells clean for every one to drink healthy water. They have more on their plates. This morning I made a spot visit in Paul at the construction site along with Mark, Roland and Pastor Evens the driver. Every one was surprised to see me. It was also a doctor visit. What we call Doctor’s visit here is a very short visit. I had Pastor Evens dropped me at the clinic and from there I walked to the site. The work is going well. The masons are doing a fantastic job. The dump truck donated by George and Kathi Yonker is hauling the supplies there. As we were going to Paul we stopped by a pile of stones and talked to a man I met with a sledge hammer. I said you are working for us. He said those stones are for Pastor Pierre’s folks. Here I am talking to him and he did not know me. I laughed and got back in the vehicle to pursue our way. We also hire a very good driver. He get pay by the load and by the distance as well. For example last month his salary was 22,000 gourds equivalent to $524.00 US. This month he will make more than that. He is providing building supplies for all the workers there in Paul. One of the contractors get the walls up to window high. I was happy to see the progress that they were making with the project.
We need a lot of prayers. You know that saying: “There is no free lunch.” This saying is a reality here. You know I was talking about the help received from the government that we put toward the new addition to the preschool building. Now it seems the government is claiming the money back through taxes that we have to pay to get tags for the vehicles and motorcycles. My property tax in town has an increase of 90,000gourds equivalent to $2143US. Life is almost impossible.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. He doesn’t forsake us after all. I was very sick and He healed me again. God is so good to me. He healed me in a miraculous way. Praise God. Now I have another testimony.
Thanks for your prayers.
God bless.
God Prosperpierre