Greetings, from LaCroix… October 20, 2018
Work here at the LaCroix Technical School has begun, praise God! Trust Him in His invitation for you to join Him in this work. Know that we are ALL in this together! This is the moment, the point in time that God has chosen to fulfill the second part of the vision that he gave Pastor Pierre, so many years ago. We have been witness to Pastor Pierre’s faithfulness to the call God has on his life, the lives of his family, and his staff. It is through Pastor Pierre’s faithfulness that God has and continues to bless His work. Many hands, many minds, many resources are coming together to make this a reality. Much has been accomplished through past efforts to lay the groundwork for this mighty task. Some of us have given much, and continue to provide great financial, intellectual, and spiritual treasure to ensure that the technical school will succeed. Some of us have been waiting for the right time, We urge you…remain in prayer and ask Him to make clear His invitation to join Him in His work here at LCNTM. We know that if all of us are faithful…saying yes, Lord… God will provide victory to those that join Him in what He has chosen to complete. Thank you Father.
Madel and I are amazed at how many of you have accepted God’s call and are already “all in”. We know that many of you have or will be given “a piece of the puzzle”. Our challenge to you is…what will you do with that piece? We were taken aback by how God had laid the “a piece of the puzzle“…theme on Brad Barber’s heart at the Haiti Summit. Madel and I are here in Ayiti, first to serve God, and secondly to be feet on the ground to serve the mission and all of you…the churches… the organizations… the individuals… the feet and hands of LCNTM. When we accepted His invitation to work here in LaCroix, we understood a couple of things. First… God doesn’t need any of us to accomplish His purposes, His plans, He is Almighty! Secondly… that of our own power we will not succeed. God wants many hearts, many minds to join together in love and fellowship to accomplish His tasks. Why? Simply for His Glory, and to expand His Kingdom, He is our God!
We belong to a Southern Baptist church in the Utica, NY area, Crosspoint Church. Every year long before we arrived, several members pack up and join together on a church building mission trip for one week. The group leader, Burben Sullins, formed the group…Mobile Baptist Builders from Mobile, Alabama. God speaks to him and Burben is led to the place God wants us to be. Volunteers…(missionaries) come from all over the US on their own resources to join God in His purpose. What happens during that week is amazing, when He draws many of the faithful together to accomplish His purpose the power of the Holy Spirit is present and hard for anyone to deny. The reason I write this is to share the spirit, the premise of these trips. Burben will share with everyone during our morning worship on the building slab something like this, in his southern drawl… “I am just gonna tell y’all, if you came here to build a building… you might just as well go home now.” “We didn’t come here to build a building, we came here to build relationships with one another, with our mighty God.” “We came here to love on one another, to be a comfort and a joy to one another, to love on God.” “we came here to brag, not about ourselves, but to testify about what God is doing in our lives and the world around us.” Every year to date buildings are built, people are saved and discipled, and God is glorified, His purpose accomplished!
We believe that is the spirit we should approach the great purpose God has laid before us…and called us to. If we are all in this for the glory of God, to love on one another and our Haitian brothers and sisters, God will bless these efforts and provide all we need to accomplish His mission, as one, one body in Christ! Amen. As we move forward God will ask many of us…to join Him…to sacrifice of our time, treasure, and talent. Be prepared to receive God’s blessing as you bless this Technical School with your treasure. Please share your piece of the puzzle with all of us. What is next? Friends of Haiti will be reaching out with material needs for equipment and tools in a way that all can participate in. Thank you for saying…Yes…
Dan Beck