
Greetings from Pittsburgh, PA. I am so glad to get back with you while here to keep you in the loop.

Firstly: let me tell you just after three days my wife arrived in Florida, Chikungunya paid a nice visit to her. It probably lasts 10 days. She is feeling better today. My wife says that Chikungunya is awful. The first day she was so stiffed that she could not move at all.

In the meantime Chikungunya continue its course in Lacroix and Gonaives or in Haiti nationwide. Several of our teachers if it’s not all got it. Someone I saw on Face Book who had it was looking very refreshing, I asked her how come you look so great after you had Chikun. She said Chikun was in her bones and not in her skin. She made me laugh. She has a good sense of humor.

I am having a very good visit here in Pittsburgh. I thank the Lord. I was able to spend three days with Edvens Milius. You know Edvens is one that the Lacroix Mission with the support of Zion United Methodist Mission (Sarver, Pa) sent to the States for more education. Bill and Becky Ross host him.

Last Sunday I was at Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church in Murrysville. Again we had a fun time.

On Tuesday June 24 in the afternoon, the child sponsorship coordinators met with Brian and Sandy Kalmar as Brian presents the website that he is creating for the child sponsorship program. It was with a great excitement that the coordinators received the new website that will help them enhance the sponsorship program. It was very thoughtful on the part of Brian and his wife to do that. Thank you Brian and Sandy. May the Lord bless you for the work that you are doing in order to make the child sponsorship program go better!

Tomorrow Sunday June 29 I am scheduled to be at Hillside Christian Community on 1050 Campbell Run Rd. Monday afternoon I am headed for Florida and a week after to Haiti.

Let me share with you some prayer requests that the Lord answered this week. The mission account was low and you know this is the end of the month and we have obligations. I remember a few years back we had a similar problem. I prayed and said Lord your account is low. Three days later somebody sent $10,000.00. This time I said the same prayer and the Lord sent the same amount, $10,000.00. Thanks be to God.

I have a question for you. I am wondering what kind of prayer to say for the Lord to send more money? Can anyone tell me?

Yesterday morning I prayed for a $2,000.00 that I need to install Fiber Optic Internet in Lacroix. Last night, John Walsh of Bethel bakery invited me to a prayer meeting that they have every Friday at 7:00 PM at Saint Louise de Marillac Parish on McMurray Road. It was a very interested prayer meeting.

They gave me the opportunity to speak and they received me with great enthusiasm. They took up an offering for me. After the service someone who wants to be anonymous called me aside and handed me an envelope with exactly $2,000.00 enclosed. Isn’t God amazing? He must have told this person that Pierre needs that amount. It was exactly what was in the envelope. I did not even talk about anything like that at all. Who is like my God? Tell me.

I have the impression that God loves me more than He loves you. PP how can you prove that? Well now it is your turn to prove I am wrong.

You know by faith I told the Fiber optic Natcom company to come and install the system for me on Saturday July 12 at 9:00 AM Lord wiling. God is faithful. He is a great provider.

Now I have another thing to share with you. It is very interested. You know we have a sewing class at the mission for boys and girls. On July 20 this year we are going to graduate 20 young women from the school. We would like to give each one of them a sewing machine in order for them to start working to become self sufficient since it is the goal of the mission to teach people how to fish. Each sewing machine costs $300.00 US. Thus we need $6,000.00. The good news is a member of Good News Gathering of Hillsboro, Ohio gave $1,650.00. We are praying for $4,350.00. Again I know My God is great provider. He will provide.

This is the plan: The sewing machine will be given. We will give them school uniforms to make and they will be paid. As they get pay they will make payment on the sewing machine. This will enable us to provide sewing machine to the next promotion in the next two years.

Thank you very much for your prayers. I will not be able to do all that we are doing without you.
God bless!
God Prosperpierre