“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil 1:3-6)


Greetings! So good to get back with you. It is always a delight to write this update to send you. For some reason that I ignore, when it comes to write this update I am always inspired. Thanks be to God!


The weather is not nice here in Florida. It is good that I can walk without being exposed to the sun. When the sun hit me, my body tingles. Ha! Ha! LOL. I told you I am a new man. Now you believe me, don’t you? I take a walk every morning and try to beat the sun. These days I don’t have to because there is no sun.


I am so glad that I am not under the weather. I am over it. PP You are over the weather? Yes PP is over the weather and not under. PP I thought you are sick. Not any more. Do I sound as a sick person? I claim my healing from Jehovah Rapha, my Great Physician. By faith I know I am healed. Todah Rabah ADONAI. Thank you God. Thank you for your prayers.


PP do you mind if I ask you to be honest tell us the truth How do you feel? PP is doing well. You know my wife never allows me to say that I am sick. She always says her handsome husband is fine. In Proverbs 18:21 we read, ” The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” From the bottom of my heart and not from the top PP is doing well.


Remember in my update on Monday I told you the doctors could not believe the results of my blood work. It’s like some one who was never sick. My WBC is 9.67, ANC is 8.08 Hgb 12.7 and Platelets 204. This week the Hgb is 13.3. Lord too much grace on behalf of PP. Who am I Lord that you are mindful of me? as said the Psalmist David. This week I had prevention treatment. This is my fourth cycle. I have two more to go.


I did not see my provider this week because he went to Europe hopefully I will see him on Wednesday next week. He speaks Deutsch. He was impressed when he saw me with a book learning Deutsch. I could tell him “Ich bin gut.” or  I am good. I like the challenge of learning new languages. One of my kids is just like me. My Pharmacist asked me this week are you ok on all your meds because for a while you don’t ask for refill. I said you know the doctors have cut back on my meds that is why I do not need refill now. She said you know Mr. Pierre it is a very good sign. It means that you are making progress. I am so happy for you.


Things are going very well in Haiti. This week we are buying a New Toyota Land Cruiser. It will be delivered on Monday next week. Then it will be taken to a shop to build a roof rock and front and rear bumpers. Thank you for your great generosity. Thank you FRIENDS of Haiti for  being so generous. Thank you for giving us $38,025.00 to put with what we received to buy it. What a blessing!


As I have commented before this type of vehicle is very expensive but it is a MUST. It’s worth it. Not only it is good for the SAFETY of our AMERICAN TEAMS but it takes you to the most remote villages to do mobile clinic. Now the med teams are not going to have any problems to get to the people who need health care the most. It is our goal to reach the unreached. Thank you so much.


They continue to dig the foundation of the school building in Lacoupe. In the meantime they are hauling materials for the work. They continue with the kindergarten repairs though now they are doing the finishing job.


Thank you very much for your contribution to my peace of mind and my healing. Your support of the ministry is a booster for my healing. Thank you very much.


‘Yvarekh’kha ADONAI v’yishmerekha.
[May ADONAI bless you and keep you.]
Ya’er ADONAI panav eleikha vichumekka.
[May ADONAI make his face shine on you and show you his favor.]
Yissa ADONAI panav eleikha v’yasem l’kha shalom.
[May ADONAI lift up his face toward you and give you peace.]’




ADONAI Prosperpierre