“Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.” (Psalm 66:16)
Greetings from Murrysville, PA. I am so glad to be able to come to Pittsburgh as it was planned in my schedule though I am very sad I missed being at Hillside Christian Community last Sunday August 30th because of the tropical storm. I am so glad the church understands that and they all forgave me though it is hard to forgive myself. Thanks Hillside and thanks Pastor Ben Kendrew.
The reason I want to thank the Lord for allowing me to be here is because I learned from my wife that since the day I left Haiti Tuesday September 1, there is another tropical storm in Haiti. PP What tropical storm are you talking about for we have not seen or heard anything on the news? You know Haiti does not always make the news. Yes I know that. Please can you inform us? That is the very purpose of this update. You know PP hates to leave you in the dark and of course you Americans are not used being in the dark like us Haitians. Rarely your electricity goes off. Ours goes off all the time. That is why those of you who go to Haiti when we are on Haiti power and it goes off on you, I tell you,” Just a reminder that you are in Haiti.”
PP come on tell us! Since I came on Tuesday September 1, the roads (Route 1) is being blocked. If there are not barricades there are people on demonstration. The day Vanessa Ballard left, one day prior to me, on my way back from Port au Prince there was peaceful demonstration. But now it’s violent. One of our drivers was leaving Port au Prince to go to Gonaives he did not make it till after 8:00 PM and he had to pay the demonstrators to pass. I don’t know how many times he had to pay.
Also you need to understand this is election period. They are supposed to have a run off for the legislative election on the 25 of this month and they are still in the contestation period. Yet the presidential election is scheduled for October 25. The country is in a mess.
Now you are going to agree with me that this STORM is GREATER than ERICA.
Maybe you are asking what about school that is schedule to open on Monday September 7? Only God knows.
One thing I know my son Kerby is there along with Altenor and the staff, making preparation for that. He is a God given gift to the mission and to Lacroix. He has helped us as I told you to buy fuel .80 cts cheaper a gallon as well as propane fuel for cooking. He saves us about $1500.00 a month during school year. and about $1200 when school out. Now he thinks the mission might have paid too much for the fiber optic internet for we pay $550.00 USD a month. He is investigating on that. Pray for him.
Therefore let me conclude that there are three storms going on in the country: the POLITICAL STORM, the DROUGHT STORM and the FAMINE STORM.
Thank you so much for helping us with the Drought and famine storm. Thank you so much. Please continue to help us with prayers for only God can help us with the political storm.
Hope to see you all while I am in Pittsburgh for I so long to see you.
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us! Psalm 67:1
God Prosperpierre